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Most Asked Questions About Lung Cancer

Most Asked Questions About Lung Cancer

Did you know cancer is the leading cause of death on our planet! According to research published by WHO(World Health Organization), cancer alone caused 10 million deaths worldwide in 2020. Lung Cancer was the second leading cause resulting in 2.21 million cases while breast cancer being the major cause resulting in 2.26 million cases.

It is one of the most challenging times for cancer patients and their loved ones. However, gathering more information and learning about other survivors’ experiences can bring an alternate outlook and help fight disease once you know more about it. Mentioned below are a few commonly asked questions about lung cancer.

How Quickly Do Symptoms Progress in Lung Cancer?

The first answer to this question is that no two cancers are the same and it is difficult to predict their growth. However, due to years of recording, study and research, a few patterns have been established. It is to be noted, in biology, nothing is certain, and you should not make your medical decisions without consulting your doctor.

Sometimes chest X-rays miss duplicating cancer cells because of how slowly they replicate. But there exists now a specific growth rate, some may grow slowly, over decades; others may develop to become lethal in a time of six months (Small cell lung cancer).

What is the Earliest or Lightest Symptom of Lung Cancer?

Coughing especially while laughing or running or doing any strenuous activity, chest pain, weight loss and lack of energy.  These symptoms are the lightest and earliest showing symptoms of lung cancer and they are often dismissed as minor infections or just general day-to-day issues.

What is the Most Common Symptom Which is Present in a Majority of Patients?

  • Haemoptysis – or coughing up blood or having bloody or rust coloured spit or phlegm.
  • Breathlessness and painful coughing
  • Chest pains
  • Frequent lung infections
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Weight loss and lack of energy
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Fever

These are some of the symptoms which are most commonly found in lung cancer. However, because every patient is different, not everyone might have it.

What is the Most Obvious and Evident Symptom of Lung Cancer?

The most obvious symptom of lung cancer is Haemoptysis. It is not a general occurrence to cough up blood, and it is portrayed as a symptom in widespread media, including television and movies. Thus, many people might associate it with lung cancer.

Which Symptoms Help Patients and Doctors Accurately Identify Lung Cancer?

While symptoms can strongly indicate lung cancer- Haemoptysis; it is impossible to determine or identify any kind of cancer through only its symptoms. Symptoms only indicate the need for further testing. There is a variety of tests that can be conducted to test for lung cancer.

  • Imaging Tests like  X-rays, CT Scan, MRI, PET scan, and a bone scan is done with radioactive elements.
  • Biopsy – Sputum Cytology which analyses a sample of mucus from the lungs; Thoracentesis collects the fluid in the lungs and analyses it; Needle biopsy, in which a sample of a suspicious mass is is extracted and analyses.
  •  Surgery – at times, if the size of the unknown mass is too large or in an unreachable place, doctors opt for surgery to look for the spread of cancer and its type.

Lung Cancer Signs That are Often Ignored

Coughing, wheezing, bone aches, weight loss, and chest discomfort are some ignored signs of lung cancer. They are also viewed as individual un-related occurrences and sometimes not mentioned to doctors and thus are missed as symptoms of lung cancer.

How Many Types of Lung Cancer Exist?

Cancer occurs when a normal cell mutates and loses its tumor suppressor gene, which is responsible for stopping cell replication. Thus they keep replicating uncontrolled till they make a tumor.

There are two types of lung cancers.

  • Non-small cell lung cancer is slow-growing and is often treated with surgery, radiofrequency ablation, and radiation therapy.
  • Small cell lung cancer – These cancers grow fast and are sometimes already quite spread out by the time it is diagnosed. However, due to its fast growth rate, it works well with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Unfortunately, there is a high possibility of cancer returning at some point in time.

How to Test Yourself for Lung Cancer?

While there is no way to detect lung cancer yourself without medical diagnostic tests, there are a couple of things that might help to detect lung cancer before it progresses too far.

Smokers and Ex-smokers should go to the doctor and get tests done regularly, preferably every year. Smokers should most definitely stop smoking.

For those with a family history of lung cancer, there exist options for genome testing. This while, not 100% accurate, has a very high chance of identifying if you have any possibility of developing lung cancer in the future.

If you experience any of the above-listed symptoms, don’t ignore them; consult your doctor even if you are sure that it is nothing. It is best not to take risks. If you are looking for a lung cancer doctor in Delhi NCR, Dr. Manish Singhal is popularly known to be the best man to go to for lung cancer treatment in Delhi. In the times of COVID-19, he has been conducting special video consultations, and his clinic has been taking special precautions.