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What are the Symptoms of Polyps? Every Polyps Cancer or Not?

What are the Symptoms of Polyps? Every Polyps Cancer or Not?

Polyps, those hidden growths that can develop in different parts of the body, often go unnoticed until they become a cause for concern. The Best Oncologist in Noida urges people to understand their symptoms and potential risks. In this all-encompassing guide, we will acquaint ourselves with polyps, their symptoms, and whether every polyp is cancerous or not.

What Are Polyps?

Polyps are abnormal tissue growths in various organs and body parts. A cancer doctor in India calls them small mushroom-like structures or tiny bumps. They can develop in the colon, nasal passages, uterus, stomach, and even the throat. While common and usually benign, some polyps may have cancerous potential.

Common Types of Polyps

Several types of polyps are worth exploring before delving into their symptoms and potential for being cancerous. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:

Colonic Polyps

These polyps are commonly found in the colon or rectum. They can be adenomatous, which means they have the potential to become cancerous, or non-adenomatous, which are typically harmless.

Nasal Polyps

In the nasal passages, there is a formation of these growths which can lead to various symptoms, including nasal blockage, a decrease in the ability to detect smells, and recurring sinus infections.

Uterine Polyps

Nestled within the uterine lining, these growths known as polyps can lead to atypical bleeding in the uterus, complications with fertility, or repeated occurrences of miscarriages.

Stomach Polyps

Gastric polyps form in the stomach lining and are usually noncancerous. However, there are rare types that carry a risk of developing into cancer.

Throat Polyps

Often associated with vocal cord polyps, these growths can lead to changes in voice quality and difficulties with speaking.

Symptoms of Polyps

Polyps can be quite tricky to identify since they may not always exhibit noticeable symptoms. However, a Colorectal cancer doctor in Noida points out that when symptoms do manifest, they can differ significantly based on the type and location of the polyp. Now, we shall examine various indications linked to distinct forms of polyps:

Colonic Polyps

  • Rectal bleeding: This is one of the most prevalent signs and occurs when polyps rub against the intestinal lining.
  • Change in bowel habits: If you notice persistent alterations in your bowel movements, like diarrhea or constipation, it may be colonic polyps.
  • Abdominal pain: When polyps grow larger or become irritated, they can cause discomfort or pain in the abdomen.

Nasal Polyps

  • Nasal congestion: One common sign of nasal polyps is a chronic stuffiness or obstruction in the nose.
  • Decreased sense of smell: Nasal polyps might impair your ability to smell properly.
  • Runny nose: Nasal polyps frequently come with excessive mucus production and a runny nose.

Ovarian Polyps

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding: Uterine polyps can cause irregular or excessive menstrual flow.
  • Pelvic pain: Uterine polyps can cause some women to feel pain or discomfort in the pelvic area.
  • Infertility: Uterine polyps may affect a woman’s ability to conceive and raise her risk of miscarriage.

Stomach Polyps

  • Indigestion: After-meal symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, or discomfort may be signs of stomach polyps.
  • Nausea and vomiting: People with stomach polyps may experience nausea and vomiting.
  • Blood in stool: In rare cases, stomach polyps can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding which leads to blood in the stool.

Throat Polyps

  • Voice changes: Throat polyps, especially vocal cord polyps, can cause hoarseness, voice cracks, or a change in voice pitch.
  • Throat discomfort: If you have a sore throat or feel like there’s a lump in your throat, it may indicate throat polyps.

If you consistently experience any of these symptoms, seek advice from a Colorectal cancer doctor in Noida for an accurate evaluation and diagnosis.

Are All Polyps Cancerous?

Well, the answer is a resounding no. The vast majority of polyps are benign and pose no immediate threat to your health. Yet, a distinction between these harmless growths and those that have the potential to become cancerous. A cancer doctor in India points out the risk factors can increase the chances of a polyp developing into something more serious.

Benign Polyps

Let’s start with benign polyps. These are the most common type and do not exhibit any cancerous characteristics. Most of the time, they are unlikely to ever transform into cancer. For instance, non-adenomatous colonic polyps hardly become cancerous. While they may cause discomfort and nasal congestion, even nasal polyps don’t pose a significant cancer risk when they are benign.

Potentially Cancerous Polyps

On the other hand, certain types of polyps do have the potential to turn into cancer over time. Adenomatous polyps, typically found in the colon, are known precursors to colorectal cancer. These specific growths contain abnormal cells that can accumulate additional genetic mutations over time. It could eventually lead to cancer if left untreated by a Cancer Doctor in Noida. To further illustrate this point:

Adenomatous Polyps

These should be your primary concern when considering the risk of developing cancer from polyps. Regular screenings like colonoscopies can detect and remove adenomatous polyps before they become malignant.

Stomach Polyps

 Although most stomach polyps are harmless, still there is a specific type called adenomatous gastric polyps that can potentially become cancerous.

Throat Polyps

While it is rare for throat or vocal cord polyps to become malignant, there have been cases where untreated ones have turned into cancers.

Consequently, consult a cancer doctor in India for routine healthcare examinations and screenings for early identification.

Cancerous Polyps: Factors That Increase the Risk

When it comes to the likelihood of a benign polyp turning cancerous, there are several risk factors to consider. Understanding these factors can help both individuals and an Oncologist in Noida in assessing the potential risks associated with polyps. Let’s dive into some of the common risk factors:


Age plays a significant role, especially when it comes to developing adenomatous polyps in the colon. As we age, the risk increases, which is why; Dr Manish Singhal recommends regular screenings for individuals over 50.

Family History

Family history also plays a part. If you have close relatives who have had colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps, your own risk may be elevated. In such cases, a Cancer Doctor in Noida may suggest earlier and more frequent screenings.

Personal History

If you’ve had polyps or colorectal cancer before, there is an increased risk of developing new polyps in the future.

Inflammatory Conditions

Inflammatory conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract can also raise the risk of developing colorectal polyps with cancerous potential. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is one such ailment that requires the attention of a Colorectal cancer doctor in Noida.

Diet and Lifestyle

Our diet and lifestyle choices can also impact our risk levels. A diet high in red and processed meats, and being low in fiber, and lacking fruits and vegetables may increase our chances of developing colorectal polyps. Furthermore, an Oncologist in Noida points outthat the act of smoking and overindulgence in alcohol can escalate the likelihood of specific categories of polyps.

Colorectal cancer doctor in Delhi can provide appropriate guidance based on individual risks.

Diagnosing and Treating Polyps

Go for diagnosing and treating polyps if you have symptoms suggestive of them or if you have risk factors that call for a thorough evaluation:

1.   Medical History

Dr. Manish Singhal will first obtain a thorough medical history, including any symptoms you may be feeling as well as any family members who have had polyps or cancer.

2.   Physical Examination

Depending on the suspected location of the polyp, a Cancer Doctor in Noida may choose to do a physical check next. For instance, a nasal exam can visually evaluate nasal polyps if they are detected.

3.   Imaging Studies

Polyps within the body can also be seen and assessed via imaging studies like endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or ultrasound. These methods give a Colorectal cancer doctor in Delhi important details regarding their size and location.

4.   Biopsy

A biopsy is typically required to determine if a polyp is benign or potentially malignant. A little tissue sample is taken during this process, and it is meticulously examined under a microscope.

5.   Treatment

Depending on the kind, size, and location of the polyps, different treatments are available. In many cases, the Best Oncologist in Noida does polyp removal along with diagnosis. For instance, during a colonoscopy, adenomatous polyps are removed using specialized tools. But occasionally, treatment with drugs or surgery is necessary.

6.   Follow-up

After receiving treatment for polyps, follow up as advised with your oncologist in Noida. Regular examinations and screenings help keep an eye out for the growth of new polyps or the reappearance of existing ones.

By taking these measures, you can be confident that any issues regarding polyps will be properly diagnosed and treated by a Colorectal cancer doctor in Delhi.


Although not all polyps are malignant, several risk factors could be dangerous. Consult with Dr. Manish Singhal at Cancer Consult India without delay if you think you have polyps or are in danger. The Best Oncologist in Noida can stop polyps from developing into more dangerous problems with early detection and treatment. Keep up with polyp news to put your long-term health first.