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What Lifestyle Modifications Can Help You Beat Colon Cancer?

What Lifestyle Modifications Can Help You Beat Colon Cancer?

Colorectal cancer is one of the deadliest cancers globally. While age and genes contribute heavily to this disease’s development, lifestyle factors play a major part as well. Certain modifications prescribed by an Oncologist in Delhi can help manage and lower your chances of developing colon cancer. This article will dive into what those changes are.

Why Modify Your Lifestyle?

Modifying habits is so important because it deals with factors that cause cancer and can be changed. Genes and certain non-modifiable factors do play a part in cancer risk, but lifestyle choices have an enormous impact on how susceptible you are to it overall. Things like unhealthy diets, sitting around all day, smoking, excessive drinking, and constant stress lead to inflammation. An Oncologist in Noida states that it increases your colorectal cancer risk. Changing these bad habits creates an environment within your body that is less facilitative to cancer development. It doesn't just bring down your chance of getting colon cancer but also reduces other health risks brought on by chronic illness. If you want protection against colon cancer or any other serious illness while feeling better mentally, implement these changes into your daily life.

1. Keep a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can prevent colon cancer. A doctor for Colon Cancer in Noida advises you to incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your meals. These foods are full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants which help protect against colon cancer. Limit the amount of red meat and processed meats you eat as they have been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Instead, choose lean protein like poultry and plant-based proteins such as beans.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity is one of the biggest risks for colon cancer. Maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly and eating right. Participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days per week. By keeping a healthy weight, you can lower your risk of developing colon cancer.

3. Quit Smoking, Drink Less Alcohol

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of acquiring colorectal cancer as well as many other health problems. If you quit smoking, you can reduce this risk dramatically! Also, an Oncologist in Noida suggests limiting your alcohol intake because excessive alcohol consumption has also been said to elevate the risk of colon cancer.

4. Stay Active!

Regular physical activity not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also reduces the chances of getting colon cancer in the first place! Aim for at least 30 minutes most days out of the week in some form of exercise, whether that be brisk walking or jogging. The activeness itself does all sorts of things, including helping regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation which are both important factors for prevention.

5. Get Checked Regularly

The earlier caught, the easier it is treated! Screening tests such as colonoscopies can detect precancerous polyps before they develop into more serious stages. Guidelines recommend that individuals at average risk begin these screening tests at age 45 or earlier if they have certain risk factors.

6. Manage Stress

Chronic stress can contribute to colon cancer by weakening the immune system and contributing to inflammation. Find healthy ways to manage your stress, like practicing mindfulness, doing deep breathing exercises, or even participating in yoga! Anything that helps you relax should do the trick, so find the right exercise for you.

7. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for keeping a healthy digestive system and preventing constipation which is a risk factor for colon cancer. So make sure you are drinking plenty of water each day and cut back on sugary beverages such as soda!

8. Rest Up

   Healthy sleep is an important part of staying healthy. It can even reduce the risk of getting colon cancer! Get seven to eight hours of uninterrupted snooze time every night. You should also create a relaxing routine before bed, like reading or taking a bath, to fall asleep easier. The doctor for colon cancer in Noida advises against engaging in stimulating activities or bright screens just before bed as these would keep you awake. 

9. Examine dietary supplements

 While eating whole meals is the best way to get all the nutrients you need, supplements might also be necessary. Additionally, they can lower the incidence of colon cancer, particularly in those with dietary limitations or pre-existing medical disorders. Consult your Cancer Doctor in Noida before beginning any new supplement regimen. Some might have unfavorable consequences or interfere with medicine. For this reason, certain supplements are frequently advised, including omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin D. 

10. Remain vigilant and vocal

Keep up with the latest research about colon cancer prevention and treatment so you can stay informed on what’s best for you. Don’t be shy when it comes to talking about your symptoms either! Schedule regular check-ups with your colorectal cancer doctor in Noida and get all the screenings they recommend for people your age so you can catch anything early on if necessary. Take charge of your health by making informed decisions and being proactive!

How Modifying Your Lifestyle Compliments Treatment?

Adding healthy changes to traditional treatment makes them more effective overall when dealing with colorectal cancer. Although surgery and therapies are vital when treating any form of this disease, lifestyle choices affect how the body reacts during treatment and recovery too. Eating foods high in nutrients like antioxidants and vitamins repairs tissues weakened by treatment quicker post-treatment which helps patients bounce back faster from surgeries especially when they’re older or already in poor health before developing this type of cancer. Regular physical activity speeds up the process as well while combating side effects such as fatigue and muscle loss caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Managing stress through relaxation techniques aids in mental well-being along with coping mechanisms leading to a higher quality of life throughout their journey with the illness.

How Dr. Manish Singhal Can Help You?

Dr. Manish Singhal from CCI is a well-known specialist in gastrointestinal cancers and could be just what the doctor ordered in your quest to beat colon cancer. With his vast knowledge and experience diagnosing and treating colorectal cancer, Dr. Singhal provides personalized care for all his patients. 

As a colorectal cancer doctor in Noidahe pays special attention to their individual needs and does everything he can to make them more comfortable throughout their journey with cancer. From the get-go, Dr. Singhal will be there with initial screenings and diagnostic evaluations.  Then, once those are complete, he’ll use that information to develop comprehensive treatment plans so that patients won’t have any surprises moving forward. He will then continue to manage them until they are either treated or go into remission.

Dr. Manish Singhal keeps abreast of the most recent developments in cancer research, ensuring that his patients are never blind to novel treatments or strategies that may be life-saving. But this amazing cancer doctor in Noida performs more than just treatments! Because he is aware of the significant impact that a healthy lifestyle can have on prognoses, he also emphasizes its significance in preventing and managing cancer diagnoses.

Nothing can stop you from overcoming colon cancer and returning to your pre-disease life if you decide to place your trust in Dr. Manish Singhal's professional and caring healthcare.


Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer out there. It means everybody should be doing everything to reduce their risk of developing it as much as possible! Thankfully, it’s also one of the most preventable diseases known to man - so don’t lose hope yet!

By adopting a healthy diet (one low in fat), maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, and getting regularly screened for colon cancer, you can significantly lower your risk of ever developing it. And if that’s not enough for you, then maybe this next one will be managing stress, staying hydrated, prioritizing sleep, and considering dietary supplements are all great ways to further support your efforts.

With all of these proactive measures suggested by an Oncologist in Delhi combined with a commitment to a healthier lifestyle overall - nothing is stopping you from taking control of your health and reducing your risk of colon cancer.