Case Summary:
69 year male
Non smoker / smoker?
Cough for 3 months
Diagnosed as metastatic adenocarcinoma lung in October 2018
No actionable mutation

Pemetrexed and carboplatin was started( JMDB study) in November 2018
Post 3 cycles of chemotherapy WB PET/CT scan in jan 2019 s/o partial metabolic response
Pemetrexed maintenance ( PARAMOUNT STUDY)
Post 15 cycles scan showed increase in metabolic activity in lung lesion
RT to lung lesion was given as extrathoracic disease was minimal
Post RT , scan in Dec 2019 (figure 2) s/o STABLE DISEASE
Pemetrexed continued
Post 18 cycles of Pemetrexed maintenance scan in March 2020 s/o local progression (figure 2)
Option of DOCETAXEL ( TAX 317 and 320 study) vs NIVOLUMAB (Checkmate 057)
NIVOLUMAB 3mg/kg was started as 2nd line therapy
Post 5 cycles (June 2020) and 10 cycles ( August 2020) scan was done s/o stable disease (figure 3)

Treatment continues