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10 Proven Steps to Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk

10 Proven Steps to Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer is a major problem for many women and their families all over the world. Some risk factors, such as genetics or age, are beyond our control; however, there are several proactive things we can do to lower our odds. Here are ten strategies proven to help you reduce your breast cancer risk while improving your overall health.

1. Keep a Healthy Weight

Being overweight or obese raises the chances of developing breast cancer after menopause by a considerable amount. After menopause fat cells become the primary source of estrogen and elevated levels of this hormone may trigger the development of breast tumors so eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables lean meats, and whole grains in addition to exercising regularly.

2. Work Out Daily

Exercising helps you stay fit and can cut your chances of getting breast cancer by around 20%. You should do moderate aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes per week or vigorous exercise for 75 minutes per week along with some strength training exercises too! Brisk walking, swimming, or even yoga can be good ways to get moving!

3. Limit Alcohol Intake

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of developing breast cancer according to research studies that show that even light drinking raises risks! If you must drink then limit yourself to no more than one drink daily! Consider going dry on certain days and find alternatives if you want less exposure.

4. Eat Healthily

Eating lots of vegetables, fruits poultry fish low-fat dairy has been linked with lower incidences of this type of disease among women worldwide so load up on these items whenever possible! You should also include plenty of antioxidants and phytochemicals found within plant-based products because they will help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals present in our environment today! Some examples include berries leafy greens nuts etc.

5. Don’t Smoke

There is increasing evidence that smoking may increase susceptibility towards developing pre-menopausal forms but quitting not only lowers one’s chances but makes them healthier overall reducing risks associated with many other serious diseases too. Please consult the top oncologist in Noida, like Dr. Manish Singhal from CCI, if needed when trying out different methods for cessation purposes here since it might be hard sometimes due to its addictive nature.

6. Breastfeed if You Can

Breastfeeding has plenty of health benefits for the baby, and it can reduce the mother’s breast cancer risk. This protective effect increases with longer breastfeeding. Hormonal levels may be balanced by lactation and menstrual periods can cease, which lowers the probability of developing breast cancer.

7. Limit the Dose and Duration of Hormone Therapy

A combined hormone therapy that lasts longer than three to five years raises the chances of getting breast cancer. If menopausal symptoms require hormonal therapy, talk to a cancer doctor in Noida about its risks and advantages; non-hormonal medications might be safer.

8. Stay Away From Radiation And Polluted Environment

Some medical imaging techniques used in CT scans expose patients to high levels of radiation linked with increased risk for breast cancer so these tests should only be done when necessary. Also, avoid exposure to environmental pollutants and chemicals that interfere with hormones like pesticides or industrial solvents.

9. Stay Informed About Your Family History

You could be at greater risk if there is a history of breast cancer in your family. So, you need to discuss this matter with your doctor who will advise whether genetic testing should be done on you or if early screening is needed compared to others not related by blood but share similar traits such as ethnicity. Understanding where one comes from helps them make wiser decisions concerning their health status.

10. Regular Screening and Self-Examinations

In fighting off any form of cancer early detection is key, especially in cases involving breasts so follow what your physician recommends regarding mammograms plus other checkups as a part of Breast Cancer Treatment in Noida while performing regular self-exams. Thus, you get familiarized with how normal-looking breasts appear, enabling quick identification once there are changes. 


Lifestyle alterations combined with proactive health measures taken together with keeping oneself updated on personal risk factors can help reduce the chances of breast cancer among women. 

Significant strides towards lowering these cancers’ occurrences and improving general well-being can be made by adopting these ten tested methods. But remember no single step guarantees total elimination hence comprehensive strategy counts most. Always seek personalized advice about Breast Cancer Treatment In Delhi from healthcare providers throughout different stages where appropriate.

Dr.Manish Singhal – the best Breast Cancer doctor in Noida says proactive measures plus routine screenings play a big role in combating malignant tumors specifically those found around mammary glands. So please take charge of your well-being today for a tomorrow free from such diseases thereby staying alert plus knowing what actions must be taken care of to safeguard yourself against cancers.

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