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How Many Cycles of Chemotherapy Are There in a Cancer Treatment?
With the development of medical science and innovation, cancer survival rates are significantly improving. Thanks to timely cancer screening, prevention, and treatment by the best cancer doctor in Noida, Delhi, and various locations.
Among several treatments, chemotherapy is the most often used for treating cancer, followed by surgery and radiation therapy. In chemotherapy, the oncologist administers the drugs in specific cycles to kill cancer cells. The chemotherapy cycle also includes a rest period, allowing the body to recover its side effects and produce healthy cells.
Why Is Chemotherapy Given In Cycles?
One chemotherapy cycle is the duration between one round of chemotherapy and the start of the subsequent therapy. Patients usually undergo 4-8 therapeutic chemotherapy cycles.
The oncologist plans the chemotherapy cycles because –
Therapeutic Effectiveness
Chemotherapy works by terminating or slowing the growth of cancerous cells. Doctors administer the chemotherapy cycles to increase treatment effectiveness and speed up recovery.
Here, we need to understand that while some cancerous cells divide irreparably, some remain resting at that given point. Doctors supervise the therapy cycles so that the chemo treatment can kill only those cells that spread rapidly without harming other cells.
Recovery with Minimal Side-Effects
The side effects of chemotherapy include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and higher infection risk. Sometimes, patients undergo severe side effects due to the continuous administration of drugs which their bodies cannot tolerate. That’s why oncologists customize the chemotherapy cycle based on several factors, including the type of cancer.
During the treatment for lung cancer in Noida, the oncologist scrutinises the stage of lung cancer, the age of the patient, and other factors. Then, they customise the chemotherapy cycle for the patient so that their body gets some time to recover from its side effects.
Factors Affecting Chemotherapy Duration
The length, structure, and number of a person’s chemotherapy cycles depend on some crucial factors –
The type of cancer the person has
The stage of the cancer
The chemotherapy medication prescribes by the oncologist
How the person’s body responds to the medications
The severity of the side effects due to the chemotherapy drugs
Types of Chemotherapy
Medical professionals classify various types of chemotherapy drugs based on their chemical structure and the way they work. Different types of chemotherapy medication include –
Alkylating agents – preventing the reproduction of cancerous cells by damaging the cell’s DNA
Antimetabolites – Interfering with DNA and RNA production to obstruct the reproduction of cancerous cells
Topoisomerase inhibitors – Intending to separate DNA strands for replication
Anti-tumour antibiotics – Binding with cancerous cell’s DNA to prevent it from making copies and reproduction
Mitotic inhibitors – Averting enzymes from producing proteins required for cell reproduction
Persons visiting an oncologist in Delhi, Noida, or other areas will be administered chemotherapy medication in the following ways –
Oral medication in the form of capsules, pills, or liquids
Injection into the body part
Intravenous (IV) drip
Topical in the fork of gels, ointments, or creams
How Long Is a Cycle of Chemotherapy?
The number of “cycles” or sessions in chemotherapy varies from person to person.
It’s important to remember that therapeutic drugs kill cancerous cells and destroy healthy cells within the body. Doctors administer the chemotherapy cycles in specific ways to effectively kill the cancerous cells while allowing time to replenish healthy cells in the patient’s body.
A single chemotherapy course typically comprises four to eight chemotherapy cycles or sessions. Usually, in a 28-day chemotherapy treatment cycle, an oncologist administers the drugs on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days, whereas the 4th to the 28th days remain drug-free.
It’s upto an experienced oncologist in Noida and Delhi to decide the length and structure of his patient’s chemotherapy cycle.
In order to start the effectiveness of the chemotherapy, it’s essential to allow medications to reach the cancerous cells.
Typical Length of Chemotherapy Sessions
The length of a person’s chemotherapy sessions varies depending on several factors, including the type of chemotherapy they take.
Specific forms of chemotherapy can work faster than others. For example, injecting or oral medications may take only a few moments to enter the bloodstream in comparison to topical chemotherapy medications rubbing on cancerous cells.
The duration of most chemotherapy treatments is typically between 3 to 6 months. However, this duration may vary due to various factors. For example, some experience symptom relief as soon as 2 to 3 weeks after the chemotherapy, while others may not notice any change even after 2 to 3 months of their breast cancer treatment In Noida and Delhi.