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Stomach Cancer Recurrence: How to reduce the risk?

Stomach Cancer Recurrence: How to reduce the risk?

Stomach Cancer Recurrence: How to reduce the risk?

How to Reduce the Risk of Stomach Cancer Recurrence?

You should always try to monitor the signs of stomach cancer in its early stages to keep it from recurring. A few things that you can do to minimize the risk are:

  • Incorporate fruits and vegetables into the diet: Although we are not sure that eating fruits and vegetables will keep the cancer cells from coming back, they are still vital in keeping the body healthy and free from diseases.
  • Maintain your weight: You should always try and maintain a healthy weight to help the body function at its best. It reduces stress on the body and is also good for overall well-being.
  • Stop tobacco usage: It has not yet been ascertained whether or not refraining from tobacco usage will keep us from developing cancer cells. Yet it is known that tobacco usage increases the chance of developing stomach and other cancers. Many other serious health problems can also occur due to tobacco usages such as skin aging, hair fall, heart diseases and stroke, genetic inconsistencies, low sperm count, weakening of gums, diabetes, reduced functionality of the immune system, and much more.

What are the Stomach Cancer Recurrence Symptoms? 

Some symptoms that indicate the recurrence of stomach cancer are given below:

  • Poor appetite: If you have a poor appetite even after much time has elapsed since your stomach cancer treatment, then you should get yourself diagnosed for its recurrence.
  • Weight loss: If you are losing weight without putting in any effort, it might be a sign of stomach cancer recurrence.
  • Abdominal symptoms: If you feel pain in the abdomen, discomfort (generally above the navel), feel full in the upper portion of the abdomen even after a small meal, or feel that your abdomen is swelling (or it has a fluid build-up), contact your cancer specialist.
  • Heartburn: Heartburn or indigestion are common problems that arise due to stomach cancer recurrence.
  • Nausea: If you feel nausea even after you have made a successful recovery from cancer, make sure to let your doctor know.
  • Vomiting: Stomach cancer recurrence might trigger vomiting. It may or may not have blood in it.
  • Blood in stools: If you have blood in your stools, you should contact your oncologist.
  • Low RBC count: Stomach cancer recurrence is often accompanied by a low count of Red Blood Cells.

What is important to note here is that we might have these symptoms from other sources (for example – ulcers, stomach infections, and so on). If you feel that these symptoms are not going away or are getting worse, contact your doctor without delay.

Is there a Gastric cancer recurrence pattern?

Studies have shown that the chances of gastric cancer recurrence are the maximum within 2 years of the recovery. After that, the chances gradually begin to thin out.

As per the location of the tumor is concerned, most of them occur in the peritoneum space (i.e., the space around the lining that covers the abdominal cavity), followed by locoregional space ( space where the cancer was initially detected) and lastly, the hematogenous space (in this case, the cancer cells are carried by the blood to other parts of the body).

How to tell if stomach cancer has returned?

In case you feel that you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned previously, contact your stomach cancer doctor immediately or as soon as possible because early detection increases the chances of treating it properly.

It is crucial to consult the best oncologist to get effective treatment. 
If you are looking for a Stomach Cancer Doctor in Noida or a Cancer Specialist in Delhi, then consult Dr. Manish Singhal at Cancer Consult India. He is renowned as the best Oncologist in Delhi and an
oncologist in Noida due to his years of experience and dedication in the field of oncology. With a team of doctors and a panel of experts, we aim to provide efficient treatment options and procedures to every cancer patient so that they are able to lead a normal life again.

ALSO READ: 7 Warning Signs of Stomach Cancer that Shouldn’t be Ignored

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