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The ICMR states That Repeatedly Heating Vegetable Oils Increases the Risk of Cancer: What Percentage of This is True?

The ICMR states That Repeatedly Heating Vegetable Oils Increases the Risk of Cancer: What Percentage of This is True?

It is common to reuse vegetable oils in the kitchen for the sake of convenience and cost-efficiency. These oils are used in many households, from deep-frying crispy snacks to stir-frying vegetables. However, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has recently provided insights that raise concerns about health risks associated with reusing them. 

One of the most disturbing findings is that cancer may be caused by repeatedly heating vegetable oils. This evidence is also supported by a cancer doctor in Delhi. But how much of this is true and what should we do about it? Let’s find out more.

The Science Behind Oils That Have Been Reheated

Through multiple heatings, some chemical changes take place when vegetable oils are heated up again. Among these changes are the breakdowns of fatty acids and the formation of trans fats, aldehydes as well as polymers which are harmful compounds. These have been linked to different illnesses, such as inflammation, heart disease, or even cancer.

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According to ICMR’s warnings, the levels of these dangerous compounds could be increased significantly when preparing food with reheated oil. Aldehydes, for example, have known toxicity effects and have also been associated with the development of cancer. As per a Cancer Doctor in Noida, another product from reused heated oil is trans fats, which negatively affect cardiovascular health more than not.

What Does Research Say?

The risk posed by using again previously heated plant-based greases has been confirmed by various studies supported by ICMR too. Research shows that canola oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, etc., produce carcinogenic substances upon reheating them severely. Reports suggest that higher amounts of carcinogens are produced with the increasing number of times you reuse your fat or cooking liquid.

A paper published under Food Chemistry discovered that large quantities of aldehydes were released during repeated heating of vegetable oils. An additional report from The Journal of Food Sciences indicated that subjecting cooking fats to high temperatures several times causes a significant rise in levels of trans-isomers.

Cancer Connection

The relationship between reheated oils and cancer has to do with the heating process that produces toxic compounds. Aldehydes are, in particular, what many scientists have looked into because they can react with proteins, DNA as well other cellular structures. It may cause mutations or alterations of cell function over time, which may cause cancer.

It’s hard to tell exactly what percentage of cancer risk is caused by reusing heated-up oil, but experts believe there is a significant risk associated with this. The ICMR and an Oncologist in Noida based their warnings on consistent evidence showing an increased likelihood of cancers among those who consume more frequently cooked foods using such greases.

Advice for cooking in good health

What measures can be taken to minimize the risk of exposure to harmful substances from reheated oils? Here are some tips:

1. Reusing oil should be kept to a minimum

Reuse of oils should not be practiced frequently, and if it has to be done, then only once or twice at most.

2. Select stable oils

Some oils are more stable at high temperatures than others. Less harmful compounds are produced when such oils with high smoking points, like avocado oil, coconut oil, and ghee are heated.

3. Keep an eye on temperature

Do not heat oil above its smoke point. A kitchen thermometer may help in keeping the oil at the right temperature.

4. Filter used oil

Strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to remove food particles which can quicken the breakdown of the oil in case you need to use it again.

5. Fresh Oil for Deep Frying

When using the deep frying method, use fresh oil as much as possible because harmful compounds may be generated.

6. Prefer healthy cooking methods

Bake, steam, or grill rather than fry.

7. Get educated

Keep yourself updated with the latest knowledge on cooking oils and their health implications according to research findings and recommendations published by authorities like ICMR.

The decision

While we cannot quantify what percentage of cancer risk is attributed directly to reheated vegetable oils, evidence indicates that this risk factor accounts for a substantial proportion. So, these warnings were based on scientific evidence gathered by ICMR, which underscores the need for prudent cooking habits to safeguard our well-being.


Convenience together with cost-saving advantages associated with reusing vegetable oils may be appealing but still outweighed greatly by probable dangers posed against human beings’ health. So, adopt healthy lifestyle choices while being extra careful about recycling fats to minimize contact with dangerous substances that might compromise long-term health.

Always remember that what you do in your kitchen can either build or destroy you. Therefore, start making small changes today and see great tomorrow’s results. Stay safe by learning more about health issues by consulting Dr. Manish Singhal from CCI, Stomach Cancer Doctor In Noida, as well as the cooking processes involved therein.

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