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Top 5 Cancer-Fighting Foods - Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer

Top 5 Cancer-Fighting Foods - Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer

How to Maintain Cancer Diet? Best advice for you

Are you planning for your cancer treatment diet? Then that’s a good idea. Expert dietitians and doctors always give importance to building a proper eating plan for cancer patients. Cancer affects every health aspect, such as your appetite and diet. Experts say that a good diet is essential during cancer treatment. According to Dr. Manish Singhal, medicines such as chemotherapy and some other radiation therapy can result in various side effects, so it is necessary to maintain a proper diet chart and an inactive lifestyle during cancer treatment. Dr. Manish Singhal, the Best Cancer Doctor in Noida, provides tips to his patients on foods to add and avoid during cancer treatment.

Why Change to a Healthful Diet Plan During Cancer Therapy?

There is no denying the fact that cancer treatment can lead to fluctuations in appetite and body weight. So, it’s necessary to pay significant attention to your diet to maintain a healthy weight, even during chemotherapy or other treatment. A proper diet plan can help cancer patients in several ways, such as:

● Manage side effects of cancer treatment;

● Increase energy level;

● Increase muscle tone;

● Improve immune system;

● Reduce inflammation.

Foods should be added during Cancer Treatment:

People suffering from different types of cancer are vulnerable to various cancer treatment side effects such as constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, loss of taste, nausea, and vomiting. Again, it varies on the specific type of cancer that one has. For instance, some types of cancer, such as blood or breast cancer, involve steroids for their treatment, which can increase your sugar levels. In such a case, you need to maintain a different diet chat than the person suffering from other types of cancer. But generally, ‘anyone with some chronic illness no, necessarily cancer, should eat a certain amount of protein, healthy fats, whole grains, vitamins, and minerals, explains Dr. Manish Singhal, Oncologist in NoidaNow, look at the dietary adjustments that you should follow during your cancer treatment 

●      Plant-Based Proteins: This is the best thing you should add to your diet chart during cancer treatment. Plant-based proteins offer the highest levels of vitamins and minerals that improve the immune system. You can also eat animal proteins, preferably chicken and fish.

●      Healthy Fats: It is essential to consume a certain amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats during your cancer treatment, such as avocados, olive oil, grape seed oil, and walnuts that contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It helps combat inflammation and improves cardiovascular health.

●      Carbohydrates: A minimally processed carbohydrate foods with soluble fiber such as whole wheat, fiber, and oats are good to eat during cancer treatment. It is because soluble fiber helps promote the production of short-chain fatty acids that helps improve metabolism and cellular repair.

●      Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamins and minerals play a significant role in boosting immune function and reducing inflammation. Eating foods fortified with Vitamin D such as milk, orange juice, yogurt, and cereals are highly recommended by Dr. Manish Singhal, the Best Cancer Doctor in Noida

●      Food Supplements: Most cancer patients cannot eat as much as usual. Yes, it is obvious. But it can lead to a shortage of nutrients and vitamins. So. Dr. Manish Singhal also prescribes multivitamins that help patients keep their immune system intact, reduce fatigue and support the overall growth of their health during cancer treatment.

Foods to Eat During Chemotherapy:

Chemotherapy is a standard cancer treatment but has multiple side effects such as dry mouth, taste changes, nausea, and fatigue. These can make eating seem like a chore. But it is mandatory to maintain a healthy balanced diet during chemotherapy which should include:

● Oatmeal

● Avocado

● Eggs

● Soup

● Almont & Other Nuts

● Pumpkin Seeds

● Broccoli & Other Cruciferous Vegetables

● Homemade Smoothies

● Bread or Crackers

● Fish

● Plenty of Fluids, including water, fruit juice, and milk.

Give Importance to Food Safety & Hygiene:

Dr. Manish Singhal suggestsApart from maintaining a good diet chart, ensure you also follow the food handling and cooking practices to boost your health. Following are some food and hygiene precautions that people can follow:

● Store food at the correct temperature;

● Scrub raw fruits and vegetables with water and brush before eating;

● Wash hands, knives, and countertops before and after preparing food;

● Wash your hands gently after touching the raw products of animals.

● Cook thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, and eggs;

● Consume sterilized dairy and juice products;

● Eat shelled nuts.

Woke Up to Your Health & Give You a Second Chance:

Being treated for cancer triggered the need to change the diet chart to help the body build up strength and withstand the effects of cancer and the side effects of its treatments. So, it is necessary to eat various foods in the right proportion to fight cancer. But before you switch on to your diet chart, it is always recommended to consult with your doctor because the nutrition needs of cancer patients vary from person to person. Dr. Manish Singhal, Oncologist in Noida, is always ready to help his patients with the best diet guide.

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